Biohacking isn’t something you find in most women’s vocabularies, especially in midlife. It’s a concept that started a decade or so ago by a small group of mostly healthy, wealthy males. They were looking for ways to optimize performance outside traditional medicine. They applied tech-savvy protocols to maximize everything about life.
My introduction into biohacking was through Tim Ferris’ book, The 4-Hour Body. I’d become a fan of his first book, The 4-Hour Workweek, and when he introduced The 4-Hour Body, I dove in to learn all I could. In his words, “The 4-Hour Body is the result of an obsessive quest, spanning more than a decade, to hack the human body.”
It resonated with me. I’d already started the process of creating my own health hacks. I didn’t like a lot of the solutions used in modern Western health practices, and was starting to piece together my own tactics.
Fast-forward to today, and biohacking has taken on entirely new meanings. You’ll see people using the term everywhere – every approach to health that’s somewhat beyond the norm may be labeled by someone as biohacking.
Here’s my take on it.
Biohacking is a way to critically think about your own health and well-being. It’s a way to utilize all kinds of tools and resources to improve your health. It’s about critically thinking about your health, saying no to what doesn’t make sense to you, and taking the time to do your due diligence to find a better way.
I believe that’s what it means to become Wellthy!
This is about mind and body. It’s about improving every aspect of everyday life to be the best you can be.
It starts with a question. Or a problem. Or an issue.
Then you work to find the very best approach to improve it, and create a better you. To optimize you!
I know what holds many women back when they first run across the concept of biohacking health. I read an article the other day on biohacking, and it was filled with “expensive” tools and resources. Plunge pools, home infrared saunas, and other tech tools can run into the thousands of dollars – how do you do that when you’ve got so much more going on in life!?
I believe it’s easier than that.
Yes, you can invest in the tech gadgets that run hundreds – thousands of dollars. But you can stay simple too, and sometimes have just as much luck.
I thought I’d share a few of the things I’m having success with right now, my approach, and how I got there. Hopefully it helps you too.
Block Therapy
I can’t say enough about this tool. A few months ago, I attended a telesummit on health. Deanna Hansen spoke on the value of block therapy to eliminate fascia to find pain relief. I had been seeing a chiropractor for months on a deep tissue problem in my right leg. While we have been making progress, I was intrigued by the concept of Block Therapy. I got started with her sampler program, and quickly upgraded to the starter program. The starter program has 3 20 minute, 3 40 minute, and 3 90 minute programs focusing on different areas of your body. By the time I finished the 90 minute session for the pelvis and legs, I got up from the floor and felt a difference. I’m sold! I’ve seen a big difference in so many areas. My leg is more flexible. I’ve even learned how to stand straighter – and feel better.

Dry Brushing
It took me a long time to try dry brushing. Frankly, it sounds a bit strange. How can using stiff bristles all over your body help? It took me one use to be sold on the idea, and I’m finally convinced. The purpose is to help with lymph circulation, to exfoliate, and smooth out the skin. It feels great! Be sure to get one with a long handle so you can reach every spot on your body, front and back. I’ve started including it in my morning routine. I dry brush right before hopping into the shower. I follow with a high-quality moisturizer or body butter after I dry off. My skin has never felt so smooth! Pay attention to what you buy – many dry brushes are made from boar hair. I make sure to select one that’s vegan or plant-based.
Bio testing
Ask a western doctor about health tests, she’ll turn you down flat. (I know. I asked.) But the only way to work on your numbers is to know where your numbers are at. The first line of defense for any biohacker is testing. And testing again and again.
Like vitamin D testing. Do a quick search and you’ll find hundreds of resources talking about the importance of vitamin D in overall wellness. Higher vitamin D levels were also linked to better covid outcomes.
The vast majority of us don’t get enough. I supplemented for years because I’ve known about its importance. But a vitamin D test showed I was still a bit low. So I bumped up my intake and added K2, and now my numbers are great!
This is just one example. There are tests for so many different facets of life. Metals testing. Gut testing. Inflammation testing. Hormonal tests. You can work with a company like Or find a functional practitioner or naturopathic physician. The key is to find your baseline, work to correct how your body is reacting, then test again to keep improving your results.
Are supplements worth it? I know it’s easy to find opinions on every level of the spectrum. But years ago, I learned that in today’s world, it’s almost impossible to get everything you need from what’s around you. Monocropping, soil degradation, pollution in the air supply, and low quality foods are just some of the reasons you might not be perfectly balanced on the inside.
Supplements make up the difference. They provide you with essential vitamins and minerals you might otherwise be lacking. Of course, there is a skill to learning what to take. It’s not something you’ll learn quickly, but you can start slow.
If you don’t take a multivitamin, it’s a good place to start. Just realize that if it’s mass produced for a big box store, chances are it’s lacking in some areas. I look for resources where vitamins are their sole business model. Where the creator cares about quality, and works hard to create a decent product.
Then start reading. I love Tieraona Low Dog’s take on vitamins and well being. I also learned an incredible amount by following Shawn Wells.
Menopause relief
Perimenopause kicks in late 30s or early 40s. I knew when I started feeling different, and to be fair, everyone around me probably did too. I had the classic signs: moodiness, tenderness in the breasts, heavy periods … That’s when I found Dr Christiane Northrup’s books, and fell in love with her teachings. I’ve learned a lot from her.
Thanks to her, I found a naturopathic physician who tested my hormone levels and started me on bioidentical hormones. They’ve worked well since day one, and it’s still something I use today. Back to testing – yep, I test every year or so and adjust the progesterone and estrogen levels I’m taking. My naturopath monitors it and writes my prescriptions.
When I started having additional symptoms of vaginal dryness, I happened to read one of Dr Northrup’s newsletters. She spoke of her vaginal moisturizer and how it promotes vaginal health. I tried it. I’m sold.
Biohacking – It’s about good health for life!
Hopefully you’re reading this and thinking of different areas where you might need a little work. Maybe you’ve never thought much about it. Or maybe a western practitioner simply didn’t have an answer.
You just have to ask better questions.
And research, research, research!
Not every answer will pop out at you immediately. I’ve been doing this for three decades, and enjoy learning every day. Say yes to podcasts, summits, and classes you never would have taken before. You might be amazed at what you learn.
And more importantly, what works.
It’s time for Gorgeous Wellth!
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