Here’s an invitation to follow what menu I used as a part of my recent cleanse.
Looking for a menu to help you make wise food choices during your cleanse?
I know from networking with all the other community members cleansing at the same time as me that the number one question on people’s minds as they moved into their first meals was: What should I cook?
In this cleanse, we combined nutritional support shakes with lunches and dinners. For a 7 day cleanse, that meant 5 lunches, 5 dinners, and all were limited to specific proteins and vegetables. (One cup of protein and two cups of vegetables per meal.)
I also noticed some people had trouble coming up with ideas.
I’m plant-based. I’ve eaten this way for years. It was easy for me to come up with great food, albeit simple food, because this is what I do every day.
I’m a journaling kind of gal. I documented each meal along the way. People loved my suggestions behind the scenes. That’s why I’m including here for you.

I have a free recipe guide just for you. It’s a menu of each item I cooked during the 5 days we could eat. They’re made from ingredients you can easily get. They’re easy to create in just a few minutes of time.
Whether you’re cleansing, or just want a simple meal plan, this may be just the thing you need this week.
Do you agree?
Happy cleansing!

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