Welcome to VisionOfSuccess! Glad you stopped by. Here’s what you’ll discover …
I’m a storyteller at heart. I write from experience. I share with love. I learn right along side you. Are you ready to define What’s Next?
Better Body
Perimenopause? Menopause? What is my body doing? So many things that happen in midlife aren’t discussed. How does that help us be the best we can be? I’ve been researching health for almost three decades. I’ll show you where my research has led me. And give you tips on a plant-based lifestyle.
Better Health
Are you as healthy as you want to be? Whether it’s a health scare, losing someone dear, or just becoming aware of how your body feels, now is the time to start on an incredible journey to learn more about wellness. Take charge now … And start living your BEST years!
Better Me
Are you programmed for success? Better wellness starts with a lot of work on the inside. Self-growth. Self-care. Self-love. Let’s talk about it. Better yet, let’s journal about it. I’ve been a writer for years, but something about this past year has made me realize just how impactful this simple process is. It’s called scrumptious living … Yes, please!
Join Me for Writing Prompts
I want to give everyone a chance for a little self-care each week, at no cost. Join me on Instagram each Friday where I’ll give you inspiring writing prompts meant to help you, inspire you, and push you forward, to create something more. #VOSJournaling

Learn with Lori
The VisionOfSuccess Shop is all about learning how to be the best YOU you can be! I’ve made it my business to test first, talk second. I’ve been asking questions about self-care and wellness for almost three decades. If you’re gonna thrive in MIDLIFE, you need to stop by …
Ready to move to the next level?
you’re gonna want to grab these FREE guided workbooks
7 Day Foundational Wellness Class
** free **
What does foundational wellness mean to you? For me, it sets the stage for overall health. Health is the one thing we all seem to take for granted … until we have a problem. In midlife, we often receive a wakeup call that leads to wanting to do more to change.
That’s what this course is about. This is a free, 7 day email course designed to help you explore your mind/body connection to your wellness journey.
Surviving Turbulent Times
** free **
Whew, we’ve been through a lot, haven’t we? That’s why I created my workbook Surviving Turbulent Times just for you.
Years ago, I became fascinated with how people approach life. How could two people be in the same situation, yet see the end result in entirely different ways? Why would one person get angry and reactive when another shrugs and moves on with their day?
Calm … or chaos? It may be in the reaction.
Now is your time to make changes and craft your intentions. Are you ready to adjust your routines to open up space to grow?
write your own Reinvention Manifesto
** free **
I believe a personal manifesto is imperative to manifesting what you want out of life. Why? Because you have to see “it” to believe “it”. If you don’t see yourself living the life you’ve always wanted, you’ll never achieve it. There truly is a difference between saying “I want a new life” and reaching out and creating it for yourself.
It’s time to write your own Reinvention Manifesto … because every woman in midlife needs one.
Meet Lori

Hi there!
I can describe ME in so many ways. Crazy-for-my-family wife and mom. Fascinated-with-words author and writer. Focused-and-driven entrepreneur. Keep-it-simple plant-based wellness seeker. Proaging advocate. Planning-the-next-adventure world traveler. All the while sharing-a-bottle-of-wine-with-friends kind of gal.
See yourself in any of those? That’s what I love most about right now, at this point in my life. I’ve reached a point when I can be all of those things, and love every moment.
Want more? Let me tell you my story …
Start Reading My
Latest Posts Now
Introducing my Substack: Roots!
When writing takes on a new form – my Substack “Roots!” is designed to share my plant-based views in a new and exciting way.
How I’m Approaching The New Year
Plant-based eating morphs into a plant-based lifestyle. You can’t help it. Of course, you’ll need a plant-based strategy to go along with it. This is my approach.
The Year In Plant-Based Cookbooks
When you’re trying to eat healthier, stick to a plant-based diet, and reach for clean eating, start by filling up your kitchen shelves with plant-based cookbooks. These have been my favorite this year.
Self-Care This Halloween With Dark Chocolate Pumpkin Seed Bark
Who says Halloween is just for the kids? If you’re tempted to reach into the Halloween stash and nibble on unhealthy candy, I have an option for you. Stop the scary eating, and eat healthy instead!
Continue Reading Self-Care This Halloween With Dark Chocolate Pumpkin Seed Bark

Let’s stay in touch …
I drop a line out to my friends every week. Inspiration, resources, and other ideas we can share as we navigate this thing called midlife.
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