Reinvention Manifesto

January 1, 2020

Create your own Vision of Success Every woman needs a Reinvention Manifesto to lead them to a successful second act The studies are conclusive. There really is a key to success. When you write down your intentions, you’re more likely to find success. The act of putting paper to pen, recording your desires, and keeping […]

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I'm lori!

I haven't always been this excited about good food. In fact, I was probably a lot like you, frequently tired of the boring meals I tried to create for my family. Then I had a wake-call ... three times ... and I started looking a whole lot closer at what it really means to be wellthy!

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Create your own Vision of Success

Every woman needs a Reinvention Manifesto to lead them to a successful second act

The studies are conclusive. There really is a key to success.

When you write down your intentions, you’re more likely to find success. The act of putting paper to pen, recording your desires, and keeping them with you, ready to refer to again and again, it does something to your psyche. When you think highly enough of your goals to put them in writing, the likelihood you’ll achieve them increases tenfold.

So what’s a manifesto got to do with it? Think of it as a way of putting your dreams down in solid format. You are setting your intentions with the universe about what you truly desire. And if I’ve learned one thing in all my years it’s that intentions are everything. The universe truly is on your side. There is nothing that holds you back … but you. So it’s time we took care of the “you” side of the equation, right? 😉

Now is your time to craft your intentions. To put down to paper what you really want. To let the universe know you’re ready for your second act, and you are ready to go!

I’m a journaling kind of gal. I’ve been writing down dreams and goals for as long as I can remember. I remember

I believe a personal manifesto is imperative to manifesting what you want out of life. Why? Because you have to see “it” to believe “it”. If you don’t see yourself living the life you’ve always wanted, you’ll never achieve it. There truly is a difference between saying “I want a new life” and reaching out and creating it for yourself.

And that’s where I want to help.

If you’re ready to reinvent your life and have a great second act, I have what it takes to start you out on your journey.
It’s called 3 Powerful Steps for Reinventing Your Life With Confidence, Success, and Pizzazz At Midlife!

I believe every woman in midlife should have a personal manifesto. A solid plan for everything she wants to achieve in her second act.

Do you agree?

To your success,arrow-down




Lori Osterberg


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so hot right now

I'm Lori!

I haven't always been this excited about good food. In fact, I was probably a lot like you, frequently tired of the boring meals I tried to create for my family. Then I had a wake-call ... three times ... and I started looking a whole lot closer at what it really means to be wellthy!

My story

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“I want to go plant-based, but I lose willpower.” 
“I want to go plant-based, but I hate cooking.” 
“I want to go plant-based, but I simply don’t have the time.” 

Let’s move past those excuses, shall we? Health is the one thing we all seem to take for granted … until we have a problem. In midlife, we often receive a wakeup call that leads to wanting to do more to change.

That’s what this course is about. It's a free, 7 day email course designed to help you explore your mind/body connection to wellness. To Unleash Foundational Wellness. Plant-based style.

I believe it's our destiny to leave the world a better place then we found it. 

© Gorgeous Wellth 2023-2024  |   Photos by andrew osterberg

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