Sample: Sales Letter Detox

January 31, 2022

They laughed when I said I was going to reverse aging … But I’ve learned a secret to feeling better, looking better, and gaining control over my health once and for all. Don’t you just hate the way people talk about aging? I had to laugh the other day when I read an article where […]

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I'm lori!

I haven't always been this excited about good food. In fact, I was probably a lot like you, frequently tired of the boring meals I tried to create for my family. Then I had a wake-call ... three times ... and I started looking a whole lot closer at what it really means to be wellthy!

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They laughed when I said I was going to reverse aging …

But I’ve learned a secret to feeling better, looking better, and gaining control over my health once and for all.

Don’t you just hate the way people talk about aging? I had to laugh the other day when I read an article where the writer was trying to convince the reader that life wasn’t over … at 38! Really? How on earth can anyone truly believe it’s all downhill before you even hit the big 4-0? 

Still, there’s something about hitting a BIG birthday that can leave you questioning everything. 

You still feel great. But lately, things have changed. Your stomach is upset a little more often. You’ve added foods to your list of “can’t eat.” And you still wake up in the middle of the night feeling not quite right. 

If you’re like me, you’ve done a ton of research on everything from probiotics to gut health. And with every passing article you read, you’re a little more convinced that something is wrong. 

I get it. I was in your shoes. 

I’m a good eater. I actually plan out my meals quite carefully. I pay attention to the ingredients I use. I try to buy organic whenever possible. 

I do the RIGHT things. And yet I still wondered if there was more I could do. 

I’m not one of those that takes “aging” lying down. I want to feel great every single year of my life, for as long as possible. And I’m not going to ignore it all until a scary diagnosis shows up. 

I’m ready to do all I can to ensure I’m in the best health I can be.

What is a detox cleanse?

The Oxford dictionary defines a cleanse as:

a process during which a person attempts to rid the body of substances regarded as toxic or unhealthy, typically by consuming only water or other liquids.

That’s probably why I never bothered.

I’m already plant-based, and eat pretty well. But I know one thing about myself – I CANNOT live without nourishment. No way, no how. I get a headache if I don’t eat at fairly regular consistency. (Plus I also turn into a raging diva, but that may be TMI. If you witness it, lead me to food immediately.)

But fasting isn’t the same as cleansing. I consider the above definition to be more of a fast. And I definitely didn’t want that.

Cleanses are growing in demand to stay on top of your health. That’s all I needed to learn to get on board. Most people are overloaded with toxins we get from a variety of sources.

Internal Toxins

You might even hear these referred to as endotoxins, they are hazardous compounds produced by your body. They include excess hormones, free radicals, bacteria, and yeast are all common internal toxins. As these accumulate, they can ramp up inflammation that can lead to all kinds of problems.

External Toxins

Also referred to as environmental toxins, they live in the bodies after being introduced from the environment. Think pesticides, herbicides, chemicals, heavy metals, mold, prescription medicine, over-the-counter drugs. All of these can build up in your system over time.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could just avoid these altogether?

These sneaky chemicals …

Over the last 60 years, more than 85,000 industrial chemicals have been introduced into the world, and we’re impacted by them all. Hello, PFAS, I’m looking at you.

PFAS are known as “forever chemicals” because they never break down and will forever be present in the human body. They can enter by seeping into groundwater, be in the air we breathe, even be in the materials we use to create our homes. That means they’re also on the dishes we use to cook with, and even the foods we eat. And they’re becoming a big problem.

For decades, large companies covered up what “forever chemicals” really were. It took us a long time to learn the devastating impact they can have on a human body. We know now that almost all of us have PFAS in their blood supply, even in newborn babies. And we’re now at a crisis point of what it’s doing to our health.


“Very helpful. I was never hungry and got great results. I hope since I detoxed my body I can get better results in reaching my goals from now on. Also I was sooo grateful for all the support and advice I received from the Facebook page in my journey.”


“I feel incredible after the 7day detox! I typically feel nauseous taking vitamins or supplements on an empty stomach but didn’t have any issues with these. My mind is clear and I am ready to make healthier habits.”


“This detox has changed my life, I have never felt better and look forward to the detox every quarter.”

The Health Risks of PFAS

As we realized the danger of PFAS chemicals, we’ve started banning them in different products and materials we use everyday. PFOA is also known as Teflon chemical. PFOS is the chemical compound in 3M Scotchguard products. They were both phased out of US made products after consumer outcry, but that hasn’t stopped them from being used. They’re still permitted in products imported into our country.

Studies show these chemicals can have devastating impact on human health. Numerous studies have linked these chemicals to diseases like:

  • Reproductive problems
  • Low birth rate
  • Childhood chronic disease
  • Cancer – testicular, liver, and pancreatic are just a few
  • Endocrine disruption
  • Weight gain

And these are just a start.

The Social Science Environmental Health Research Institute tracks PFAS contamination. They show contaminated drinking water is in virtually every state across America effecting up to 110 million people.

And while that may seem bad, it gets worse. Your drinking water isn’t even your top risk for exposure. You can still get PFAS chemicals from:

  • Cookware – Teflon may have been banned, but studies show its replacement isn’t a whole lot safer
  • Coated papers and wrappers for fast-food products
  • Stain-resistant furniture and carpets
  • Clothes labeled stain or water-resistant
  • Personal care products and cosmetics

That can be a BIG problem with a Harvard Health study showed the average American woman uses twelve personal care products on average per day.

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I'm Lori!

I haven't always been this excited about good food. In fact, I was probably a lot like you, frequently tired of the boring meals I tried to create for my family. Then I had a wake-call ... three times ... and I started looking a whole lot closer at what it really means to be wellthy!

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“I want to go plant-based, but I lose willpower.” 
“I want to go plant-based, but I hate cooking.” 
“I want to go plant-based, but I simply don’t have the time.” 

Let’s move past those excuses, shall we? Health is the one thing we all seem to take for granted … until we have a problem. In midlife, we often receive a wakeup call that leads to wanting to do more to change.

That’s what this course is about. It's a free, 7 day email course designed to help you explore your mind/body connection to wellness. To Unleash Foundational Wellness. Plant-based style.

I believe it's our destiny to leave the world a better place then we found it. 

© Gorgeous Wellth 2023-2024  |   Photos by andrew osterberg

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