The One About Turning My Mess Into My Reinvention Message

I don’t think you can cross into the 50-year-old zone without having a very messy life. You know what I’m talking about. The things we all struggle with every day. Like: Finances Relationships Kids Aging parents Retirement Menopause Career Friendships Burnout Oh, and then let’s add in things entirely out of our control. Like: COVID […]



“It's time for
Gorgeous Wellth!”

Right now, I’ve been busier than I have been in a long time. I’m attending classes regularly for a mastermind I joined. I’m writing every day. I’m in the process of releasing two brand new courses. This time in history has been good for my creative spirit. I’m focused on the present. I’m soaring, and […]

6 Reasons COVID19 Has Me Focusing on the Present


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Are you tired of the zillions of ads you see on Facebook or Instagram, promising you the keys to success? Or how about those emails that go on and on with the “secret” formula that will make all of your wishes come true? I’ve bought into some of them over the last twenty years. You […]

Just Be Happy Today


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The world is in chaos. Few would argue with that. But instead of looking at the world as a whole, let’s dive down deeper, to a more personal level. You and me. Are you in transition right now? Me too. I got this from a reader a few days ago: It seems as though everyone […]

Death – Transition – Change – And Figuring Out What’s Next From Scratch


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I’m an organizer, a neat-freak. Everything in my home has its place. Order is my middle name. For me, the concept of simplification makes perfect sense. Less stuff means a more organized home. And I’m all over that concept. Marie Kondo? Yep, I love her. I’ve read her books and watched her new Netflix show. […]

How To Hygge Your Midlife Reinvention


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I wasn’t one to think much about menopause. In fact, I kind of adhered to the “out of sight, out of mind” philosophy. I didn’t think I had any of the “normal” symptoms, so why think about it at all?! As I moved through my 40s, I started noticing changes. I was tired. My energy […]

Bioidentical Hormones and Other Random Thoughts About Midlife Health


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At the start of 2018, I had a huge to-do list. My goal was to get out a book every month. Between my fiction and nonfiction, I mapped out a plan to make that process doable. So I settled in to write. According to my editing program, I’ll easily clear more than 1 million written […]

It’s the Journey, Not The Destination: Settling In On My Word of the Year for 2019


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What’s one of the biggest benefits of having a photographer in the family? You can schedule a photo shoot whenever you desire! When I was 28 years old, my father died of a massive heart attack at the age of 54. Less than two years later, my mother had a massive stroke at the age […]

When Age Is Everything


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“You’re too skinny.” “Why don’t you put on some weight?” I’m one of those who has weighed pretty much the same as I did in high school. The only time I ever put on weight was during pregnancy. Minus the nine-months-on-nine-months-off that I practiced for that time in my life, I’ve worked hard to maintain […]

Why Reinvention Depends Entirely On Your Health


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You wake up one day, and suddenly you’re old. Well, not exactly. Ask me my age, and I’ll tell you I’m 52 going on 29, at least in the way I feel. Yet I proudly wear my 52 like a badge of honor. It’s taken me 52 years to get here! Maybe it has something […]

10 Habits That Change Us As We Approach Midlife


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“I want to go plant-based, but I lose willpower.” 
“I want to go plant-based, but I hate cooking.” 
“I want to go plant-based, but I simply don’t have the time.” 

Let’s move past those excuses, shall we? Health is the one thing we all seem to take for granted … until we have a problem. In midlife, we often receive a wakeup call that leads to wanting to do more to change.

That’s what this course is about. It's a free, 7 day email course designed to help you explore your mind/body connection to wellness. To Unleash Foundational Wellness. Plant-based style.

7 Day Foundational Wellness Class

Start for Free Today!

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I’m a storyteller at heart. I write from experience. I share with love. I learn right along side you. Are you ready to define What’s Next in your life? I share what I know about wellness, midlife, and plant-based living!